Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Nasa selects record number of women for astronaut trainee class - Telegraph.co.uk

Debarjun Saha | 08:03 |

The potential astronauts were selected from a pool of more than 6,100 applications and will being technical training at Houston and other space centres around the globe to prepare for missions to orbit, the first human mission to an asteroid and then onto Mars.

Among the female candidates are Nicole Aunapu Mann, 35, a major in the US Marine Corps and Jessica Meir, 35, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School.

Christina Hammock, 34, a station chief at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Anne McClain, 34, a major in the US Army make up the remaining two female candidates. They are also the youngest candidates ever selected.

The male astronaut candidates are Josh Cassada, 39; Victor Glover, 37; Tyler Hague, 37 and Andrew Morgan, 37.

Candidate training lasts about two years, with 'pupils' undergoing physical and mental tests.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said: "They're excited about the science we're doing on the International Space Station and our plan to launch from US soil to there on spacecraft built by American companies. And they're ready to help lead the first human mission to an asteroid and then on to Mars."

Upon successful completion of training, astronauts will be selected to go onto the Nasa Astronaut Corps programme.

via Science - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGAA3Nv_maDR3u50EVB9lm_2sBDWg&url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-business/10127901/Nasa-selects-record-number-of-women-for-astronaut-trainee-class.html

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