Wednesday 11 September 2013

Willing to leave behind husbands, friends and even their children, meet a few of ... - Daily Mail

Debarjun Saha | 05:47 |
  • Candidates include a Swedish prison guard and a stand-up comedian
  • Hopefuls said they would pack items such as a ukulele and a fluffy mongoose
  • 200,000 people around the world have signed up for one-way mission
  • Between 24 and 40 candidates will be chosen for the Mars One programme

By Ellie Zolfagharifard and Wills Robinson


A prison guard, a mother who home-schooled her children and a stand up comedian are among the 200,000 people from around the world who have applied to be among the first colonists on Mars.

The hopefuls, who will be shortlisted into a group of 40 before their training starts, said why they would leave behind their loved ones and revealed what they would take in their suitcase if they were chosen.

One applicant from Australia said he would take his ukulele, which he has named Amanda, while another from the United States said she would pack her fluffy mongoose toy.

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The colony as it is expected to look in 2015 - with four astronauts arriving every two years on the one-way mission

The colony as it is expected to look in 2015 - with four astronauts arriving every two years on the one-way mission

By 2015, the selected candidates will start an eight-year training regime where they will learn to deal with long periods of isolation.

The majority of applicants for the one-way trip to Mars came from the United States, with India and China coming in second and third place.

Twenty-two-year-old hopeful Thomas Eccles, told The Guardian: 'Can you imagine how deranged and unstable I would eventually become? That would make for some impressive TV gold.'

This will be followed, also in 2018, by a supply ship carrying supplies

Dutch group, Mars One, wants to launch a supply mission that will land on Mars as soon as October 2016

The mission will begin with a landing rover set to launch in 2018 to scour the planet looking for a suitable landing site

The mission will begin with a landing rover set to launch in 2018 to scour the planet looking for a landing site

In 2021 all the components of the settlement reach their destination in six separate landers. Two living units, two life support units, a second supply unit, and another rover arrive on Mars

In 2021 all the components of the settlement reach their destination in six separate landers. Two living units, two life support units, a second supply unit, and another rover arrive on Mars


Mars One says it is not necessary to have military training nor experience in flying aircraft nor even a science degree.

Candidates must:

'Be at least 18 years of age, have a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection and ability to trust.

They must be resilient, adaptable, curious, creative and resourceful.

Mars One is not seeking specific skill sets such as medical doctors, pilots or geologists.

Rather, candidates will receive a minimum of eight years extensive training while employed by Mars One.

Erica Meszaros, another potential candidate from the United States, said: 'I want to see the sun rise over a completely new horizon, in a completely new sky. I think that's worth any price.

'The day they stop trying to colonise Mars will be the day I stop trying to help them do it.

'I have a stuffed animal of a mongoose that's been everywhere with me.

'My husband bought her for me when we were just dating, and ever since she's followed me to work conferences in Hawaii and internships in California. I'd love to take her to Mars, too.

Josh Richards, Australia from Australia said: 'If there was one thing I could take to Mars it would be my semi-acoustic ukuele named Amanda.

'It has travelled around the world and has never failed to lift my spirits or those around me.'

Ben Pearce, a self-confessed 'momma's boy' from Canada said: 'I've spent a couple of years working in the software industry, sitting at my desk writing tedious code and I began to wonder: is this it?

'There are so many profound scientific questions that can be answered if we set out and explore the red planet, that I would be remiss if I didn't apply.

'What gets me through the idea of leaving my friends and everyone I love forever is the knowledge that this settlement is bigger than my relationships; bigger than anyone's relationships, because it will truly impact the entire planet.'

Rickard Feiff, from Sweden said:'Columbus could have skipped going west and waited a few hundred years for satellite technology to tell him what's was out there. He did not wait, nor will (or should) we.

'I'm a correctional officer in the Gothenburg jail, working with people that are in desperate need of positive contact and change.

'It is a great insight into the human mind and a chance to work with the betterment of ones fellow humans.

Pamela Nicoletatos, mother from Netherlands who home-schooled her two sons said: 'I've always had a passion for space and scientific discoveries.

'Humanity is more than just Earth, or even our solar system, but rather a small fraction of what all the Universe holds.

'I hope to only inspire others to have an innate curiosity for adventure, discovery and a desire to see things outside of the box. I just honestly think it is an opportunity of a life time and would be a shame to pass up.'


As of the application deadline a week ago, more than 200,000 people from 140 different countries have applied to be among the first colonists on Mars

The £4bn project, founded in 2010 by engineer Bas Lansdorp, is set to recoup its costs by selling the broadcasting rights to the mission.

The applicants have agreed to stay on the red planet for the rest of their lives – and be filmed for a reality TV programme, said the company behind the mission, Mars One.

The Dutch group wants to launch a supply mission that will land on Mars as soon as October 2016.  A 'settlement rover' will then land in 2018.

They added that landing systems will be tested eight times before they are used to transport humans – a move that Mars One said will make the trips 'much safer than moon missions'.

The second round will include an interview with Mars One committee members, and candidates advancing to the third round will compete against one another.

The third round will include a series of challenges to prepare candidates for the potential mission and will be broadcast on television and online.

The group said it aims to have a human settlement on Mars within a decade.

Journey time to Mars, which is approximately 40 million miles away depending on its position in orbit, would be around 200 days.

'Going to Mars would make me feel like I am a true Star Trek officer,' said one applicant, Michael Archavian.

He said that if selected he would 'do a lot of exploring, see the sites, and stay up at night to see the dual moons'

But Dr Veronica Bray of the University of Arizona has expressed concerns about the project.

'Radiation exposure is a concern, especially during the trip,' she said.  'This can lead to increased cancer risk, a lower immune system and possible infertility.'

The colony budget is £4 billion, compared to the £1.8 billion spent on Nasa's rover Curiosity, the most advanced and biggest robot to ever traverse Mars.

Mars One aims to raise money to help fund the project through a long-running, global, reality TV show, which will select the first 24 candidates and follow their training.

Viewers would vote for who should be on the first team of four to leave Earth in ten years' time. By 2033 the colony would reach 20 settlers.

Dr Chris Lintoot, from Oxford University, said that while the mission was plausible, the problem would lie in the funding.

'It's about having the political will and the financial muscle to make this happen,' he added. 'That's what nobody has been able to solve so far.'


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