Monday 2 September 2013

Thank you, teacher - The Hindu

Debarjun Saha | 02:47 |

"Abhishikha, remember to collect the firewood for our bonfire. Get back before 5 p.m. as there may be wild animals and snakes in the forest," said Heena Ma'am to her favourite student, Abhishikha. "Yes, Heena Ma'am. Don't worry, you know I'm a responsible person, and would never come late though IST is also called 'Indian Stretchable Time'!" said the ever-trying-to-please Abhishikha.

It was September 5 — Teacher' s Day. Heena Ma'am and six of her students were on a trekking expedition at Honnemardu since it was half a day at school. Abhishikha's father had organised a silver matador van and the little group had bundled into it, excitement writ large on their faces.


On the way, the trekkers enjoyed themselves singing songs and the lovely snacks they had brought with them. When they reached Honnermadu it was almost dinner time and they decided they would cook it over a bonfire, for which they needed firewood. Abhishikha and Harshita went to collect the firewood. It was then that Heena Ma'am told them to be back by 5 p.m. The rest of them relaxed and played games.

Suddenly Roopa looked at her watch and exclaimed, "Ma'am, we have just let time slip by. It's 5:30 p.m and Abhishikha and Harshita have not yet come."

Heena Ma'am checked the time and noticed that half an hour had gone by. "I told the girls to be careful and return on time. What could have happened to them?" She was worried and stressed.

Just then, Abhishikha and Harshita appeared but without the firewood. However, no one was bothered about the firewood they were just glad that the two of them were safe.

"What happened?" they asked.

Heena Ma'am noticed that Abhishikha and Harshita had their hands behind their backs as if trying to hide somehting.

"What's there?" she asked. "What are you trying to hide?"

The two of them smiled and brought out two bouquets of the most beautiful and exotic wild flowers in a variety of gorgeous colours. There were orange and red and yellow and purple flowers.

All together they wished Heena Ma'am, "Happy Teacher's Day!"

Heena Ma'am found it difficult to hold back her tears. The girls then sang, "You are the one!" as they hugged her.

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