Wednesday 11 September 2013

Tamil Nadu to see temp rise by end of century - Deccan Chronicle

Debarjun Saha | 20:33 |

Chennai: In its first report on projections of climatic changes in Tamil Nadu, the Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation Research (CCC&AR) has stated that the state is going to experience a rise in temperature by nearly 3.4 degrees at the end of the century. The report also suggested that the rise in temperature would put a renewed pressure on natural resources, especially water.

Dr A. Ramachandran, Director of CCC&AR, who was speaking at the  release of the re­p­ort, said, "There is a lot of talk about climate ch­ange, but for the past few years, we have been depending on foreign countries as we base our models on their pr­ojections. This the first time that such region-specific data has come out in the country."

The Centre used a lic­ensed version of PRECIS, a regional climatic modelling system from the UK met office. The maximum temperature is projected to increase by nearly 2.2 to 3.4 degrees, moving away from the coastal areas to the hilly reg­ions by 2100.

Belts of Coimbatore, Tirupur and Krish­na­gi­ri will bear the brunt of the heat and water sca­rc­ity by the end of the century. Professor Ra­ma­­c­han­dran added, "Tem­per­atu­res in Ch­ennai are al­so going to experience a tangential incr­ease with discomfort levels going up.

The data was collected over the past 30 years from across all the meteorological stations of Tamil Nadu and fed into the system."
Professor Ramac­han­d­ra­n emphasised that there was a need to look for alternative agricultural practices and sought more cooperation among the government and other stakeholders.

The report said that there would be a slight decrease in the rains during the South West monsoon(June-Sept­ember) and the North West monsoon was projected to be heavy, coupled with cyclones.
Rising temperatures w­ould raise the sea lev­el by 50 cm, putting the coastal areas and the Cauvery delta at risk of inundation.   

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