Saturday 7 September 2013

Prepare for Space Selfies; NASA Joins Instagram - PC Magazine

Debarjun Saha | 09:36 |
NASA Instagram

It's one small step for man, one giant leap for blurry, filter-filled photos of the moon.

We're speaking, of course, about NASA's recent decision to officially join Instagram, which conjures up the hilarious mental picture of an astronaut holding a smartphone and trying to take a picture of an important celestial object while standing on the moon.

And we're not that far off; the first image posted to NASA's new account — simply "NASA" on Instagram — is that iconic photograph of the Earth, seemingly rising out of the moon's surface, taken as part of the Apollo mission to the big chunk of space rock on July 20, 1969.

Yes, NASA is also using Instagram as a photo archive — a bit of a letdown for those expecting the agency to start strapping smartphones with photo timers to rockets or what-have-you.

"We're constantly looking to expand our social media portfolio to include tools that will best tell NASA's story of exploration and discovery. "Instagram has a passionate following of users who are hungry for new and exciting photos. We believe we have some of the most engaging images on and off the planet -- and we can't wait to engage with Instagrammers," said NASA press secretary Lauren Worley in a statement.

And engage they have – the account already has just north of 43,000 followers within its first day or so of existence. To NASA's credit, the agency is also seeding some real-time shots among its historical images, including new pictures of the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) that launched into the sky from Virginia on Friday night.

NASA's jump into Instagram adds yet another social media badge to the agency's brimming belt, joining the ranks of social media presences on Facebook, Flickr, uStream, and Foursquare – of all places. We suppose that once you're finally able to check into Mars yourself, you'll probably want to message your friends about it and post a selfie or two as well.

via Science - Google News,2817,2424130,00.asp

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2954071

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