Wednesday 10 July 2013

TERI globally ranked first in climate change research - Economic Times

Debarjun Saha | 06:02 |
KOLKATA: New Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has been ranked first in the International Centre for Climate Governance global ratings for the most influential institutions working in the field of climate change, economics and policy.

"It's particularly relevant and a matter of a great pride for India to see that TERI has been ranked right at the top in ICCG Climate Think Tank Ranking," Dr R K Pachauri, Director General of TERI, said in a statement issued here today.

Global rankings by ICCG included the think tanks working in the field of climate change, economics and policy with headquarters outside the European Union.

The think tanks were assessed on the basis of five indicators -- events, authors in IPCC reports, UNFCCC submissions, articles in peer-reviewed journals, and non-peer reviewed publications, a TERI release said.

TERI is an independent, not-for-profit research institute that focuses on energy, environment and sustainable development.

Besides TERI, the other institutions that featured in the absolute ranking list include Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs, Woods Hole Research Centre, Resources for the Future and Princeton Environmental Institute.

Pachauri, an eminent environmentalist and a winner of Nobel Peace prize, said actions to combat climate change will have to be guided by extensive research, climate modelling capabilities and assessments of economically viable and technologically feasible solutions.

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