Monday, 28 April 2014

NASA Finds Coldest Star Ever - WPRO

Debarjun Saha | 10:53 |

(HOUSTON) -- Two NASA space telescopes have discovered a "brown dwarf" -- a star without the mass to burn nuclear fuel and radiate light -- that's as cold as the North Pole, according to the space agency.

"It is remarkable that even after many decades of studying the sky, we still do not have a complete inventory of the sun's nearest neighbors," NASA scientist Michael Werner said in a statement Friday.

The star is surprisingly close: it ranks as the fourth-closest star system to Earth's sun at 7.2 light-years away (the closest star system, Alpha Centauri, is four light-years away).

"It's very exciting to discover a new neighbor of our solar system that is so close," said Kevin Luhman, a Pennsylvania State University astronomer. "And given its extreme temperature, it should tell us a lot about the atmospheres of planets, which often have similarly cold temperatures."

The temperatures on this brown dwarf is between minus-54 and 9 degrees Fahrenheit. Brown dwarfs lack the mass to shed light or much heat, making them hard to detect without a telescope that can use an infrared lens.

Other brown dwarf stars that humans have discovered have been approximately room temperature.

Copyright 2014 ABC News Radio

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