Monday, 5 August 2013

Dance your way to a Ph.D -

Debarjun Saha | 03:17 |
The Science magazine has sponsored a science dance-off - "Dance Your Ph.D.", an international competition to see which scientists can best explain their graduate work through interpretive dance. The rules are simple. Create a dance that is inspired by your Ph.D. research. (It doesn't matter if you're a Ph.D. student now or if you finished your Ph.D. 50 years ago.) It can be solo, duet, or your whole lab group. (The author of the Ph.D. thesis must be part of it.) The deadline for submission is 1 October 2013.

Here's how to enter:

1. Turn your Ph.D. thesis into a dance

2. Post the video at

3. Send the video link to GonzoLabs by October 1st.

The Dance Your Ph.D. competition has been going on since 2007, and is the brainchild of Science Contributing Correspondent John Bohannon, principle investigator over at the GonzoLabs.

The submitted dances will be broadly divided into four categories - Physics, Chemsitry, Biology and Social Sciences. The best from each category will be chosen to compete for the top prize. The competition is open to anyone in the sciences, broadly defined�all scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and historians of science are welcome.

You don't need to follow a specific dance style. Submissions have ranged from traditional Indian folk dance to hip hop and fruit fly mating. But to win the contest, your dance needs to pull off two tricks: It needs to be engaging art, and it has to help us understand the essence of the science behind your Ph.D. research.

Australians have dominated in recent years, with a physicist winning in 2011 for his stop-motion dance about titanium hips and a chemist in 2012 for his old-timey burlesque about aluminum crystals. Will 2013 see another winner from Down Under? Will the biologists and social scientists rise to the occasion?

Finalists in each of four categories win $500. The grand prize winner will receive an additional $500 plus another prize that has not yet been announced. Candidates from all over the world are invited for this interesting contest!

via Science - Google News

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