Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Venus to dance with moon tonight - Northern Voices Online

Debarjun Saha | 11:32 |

Venus to dance with moon tonight. The sky-watchers would be in for a treat as the duo of Venus and Moon would be the closest to each other Wednesday night. In the celestial event that occurred owing to the movement of Moon around Earth, the Venus would appear on the right hand side of the crescent-shaped moon.

Christened "moon in conjunction with Venus', the event can be enjoyed by watching in the in the westward direction post sunset. Saturn, who would also be present as part of the event, can be spotted as the non-twinkling object in the eastern direction.

Speaking about the event, Raghunandan Kumar, founder and secretary of the Planetary Society of India, said: "Moon being seen with other celestial bodies is a common phenomenon. This particular occurrence is special because despite the distance between them, Moon and Venus seem very close to each other when viewed from Earth. However, If you witness the conjunction on Wednesday, you will be able to tell the gradual increasing distance between Moon and Venus in the following days. We hope the sky remains clear so that everyone can witness the celestial even."


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